Tuesday 18 June 2013

High School Lesson Plan - Heroes! Storytelling lesson

I'm really excited to share this lesson plan as it really got all the students speaking, and more importantly, excited to be speaking. It is quite a high level lesson plan although I think you could easily change some of the key words and include more structure to the key phrases to make it a little easier. The idea came from this website and the lesson Brave Pensioner Foils Raid on Jewellery Store. Also the video I have included is well worth watching even if you don't choose to do the lesson. Incredible stuff!

Students will improve their story telling ability.

Paper or whiteboards.
Video of woman attacking armed robbers.

Activity one.
Introduce the vocab and make sure the students understand it. Show the first three slides and ask different students to complete the key phrases. Each sentence should build on the story established in the previous sentence (10 minutes).

Activity two.
Split the class into four groups. Using the vocab you introduced at the start of the lesson, tell each group to come up with a story. Tell the students they then have to memorize a summary of their story and that they will have to share it with members in another group. At this point I went around each group and asked the students to tell me their story so I knew they were memorizing it. (25 minutes)

Activity three.
When all the students have memorized their story, split each group into four and make four new groups. Each student will then have to tell their story to the new group.(13 minutes)

Activity four.
Ask the students if they want to know what rally happened, then show the students the video of the pensioner attacking the armed robbers. (2 minutes) 

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